Teaching Methodology - New pathways to learning
"Teaching is conceptual and intellectual, abstract and concrete & creative and sequential at SPS."
The Teaching Methodology of the Middle Section concentrates on five Cs‒Consistency, Collaboration, Cognition, Commitment and Creativity. You can teach a student a lesson for a day. But if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. The 21st Century learning stresses on Students becoming Life-Long Learners and that is what we wish to achieve for our Sagarites.
Our Middle School Programme is essentially based on Experiential Learning, which accents on Learning by Doing and in effect replaces the Rote Learning Methodology. The Curriculum is structured to meet the Cognitive, Emotional and Developmental needs of the students and bridges the gap between Theory and Practice.
Our aim at SPS is to expound on Vidya (Modern Education) Sad vidya (Traditional Education) and Brahma Vidya (Spiritual Education) thus building a Growth Mindset in a joyful, and safe learning environment.In order to foster, joint cooperative efforts of the students to create their own learning encounters, COLLABORATIVE LEARNING is introduced where they are put into groups according to their strengths, interests and needs. This helps in developing Team Spirit and Self Confidence.
Facilities Par Excellence
Teaching is facilitated by Interactive Tools of Tata Class Edge for reinforcement of concepts and providing the visual stimulus for better comprehension.
The School boasts of excellent infrastructure to provide 360⁰ Learning Experiences to Sagarites ranging from state of the art Swimming Pool, Basketball Court, Badminton Court, Squash Court, Table Tennis which caters to the physical growth of the students and well established Laboratories and recently added ATL to provide hands-on learning to the students. The school has well stocked library to inculcate Reading Habits in the students and Activity Rooms to provide a platform for their creative pursuits.
Co-Curricular Activities - Enriching experiences
Co-scholastic or Co-curricular activities are conducted throughout the year to keep the students occupied in creative quests and to provide an outlet to the students’ bubbling ingenuity. The Annual Calendar specifies the Names and Dates of various competitions which are planned for the Session so that the students get ample time to prepare themselves. Teachers, too, are always at hand to assist with their expertise. The Competitions and Activities are carefully planned keeping in mind the varied interests and mind sets of the students and the list is exhaustive ranging from Dance, Cyber Quiz, Reading, Recitation of Shlokas to Debates, Declamation, Best out of Waste, Music and Painting.
Assessments - Evaluating Progress
The Assessment Pattern in Middle Section is based on the Remodelled Structure of Assessment prescribed by the CBSE. The Annual Assessment is based on Two Unit Tests and Two Term Examinations. Each Assessment has suitable weightage and is considered for the Annual Result. The Assessment Pattern is thus Continuous and Comprehensive.
Results are prepared keeping in mind the format suggested by CBSE. Descriptive Indicators on Self Assessment, Work Education, Performing Arts, School Environment/values, Yoga and Sports are also an integral part of the Progress Report.