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Remarkable achievements of the Sagarites of SPS Dwarka Dham at 13th Open Bhopal Skating Championship 2023-24

June 10, 2023

We are delighted to share the remarkable achievements of the Sagarites from SPS Dwarka Dham in the 13th Open Bhopal Skating Championship 2023-24, held on June 10th and 11th, 2023. Divyansh Sahu of Class III secured a silver medal. Aarav Singh Yadav of Class VI earned 2 gold medals. Madhur Sitlani of Class VI achieved 1 gold and 1 silver medal. Virat Sahu of Class VI won 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. Hardik Asnani of Class VII received 1 bronze medal. Money Shukla of Class VII also earned 1 bronze medal. Congratulations to all students for their commendable achievements! Your hard work, dedication, and passion have paid off. Keep striving for excellence and may you continue to achieve great success in all your future endeavors.