
Recent Events


April 26, 2023

Cleanliness is the Hallmark of perfect Standards, and the best quality inspector is the conscience. The ASPIRE program organized on the topic cleanliness on 26th April 2023 for students from classes V to VIII. The session was conducted by Dr. Usha Khare, the brand ambassador of the Municipal Corporation for cleanliness. The aim of the session was to educate the students about the importance of Cleanliness and proper waste management. Dr. Khare explained the concept of waste segregation and the different ways in which waste can be disposed of. She also shared some real-life examples to help the students understand the impact of improper waste management. The session was interactive, and the students actively participated in the session. On this occasion, the students were also encouraged to take a pledge to maintain cleanliness and spread awareness about waste management and to educate at least 20 people about waste management. They were given practical tips on how to educate people in their communities and were asked to report back on their progress. The program was a great success, and the students gained valuable insights into the significance of cleanliness and proper waste disposal.