
Recent Events

English Day

April 26, 2023

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" These words of wisdom from the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare hold immense significance in our lives. To celebrate the importance of the English language and to learn from the timeless lessons of Shakespeare, English Day was celebrated at school with great zeal. The theme of the event was "Wisdom of the Bard", and the students did an excellent job of justifying it through their electrifying music and dance performances. They portrayed the iconic characters of Shakespeare with exceptional acting skills, reviving the immortal characters of his plays, including "The King Lear". The esteemed guest of the event, Dr. Samreen Khan, Senior Head Mistress, SPS Gandhi Nagar, highly appreciated all the participants for their outstanding performances. It was a spectacular show and a fitting tribute to the greatest playwright who has left an indelible mark on the world of literature.