
Recent Events

Inter-House Judo Competition

July 26, 2024

The purpose of Judo is to perfect oneself and contribute something of value to the world The school held its eagerly awaited Inter-House Judo Competition on July 24, 2024. The event showcased the skills and dedication of students who had been meticulously trained over the past months. The competition was organized based on weight categories, ensuring fair and balanced matchups among the participants. Students from all four houses—Aryabhat, Bhaskar, Pratham, and Rohini—competed with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. The event concluded with remarkable victories for Aryabhat House and Rohini House, whose students demonstrated exceptional prowess and determination. Pratham House also put up a commendable performance, securing the position of runners-up. In a grand closing ceremony, the winners were awarded the coveted trophy, celebrating their hard work and achievements. The competition not only highlighted the students’ athletic talents but also fostered a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition among the houses.