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English Day Celebration

April 26, 2024

Language is the key that unlocks the treasure of literature, reveling the beauty of the human experience. Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, embraced the essence of language and literature on April 24, 2024, as it celebrated English Day with a theme- Whispers of Nature, celebrating the renowned playwright and poet Oscar Wilde. The tale of "The Selfish Giant" served as a poignant reminder that even the coldest of hearts can be thawed through acts of friendship and love. Following the story play, the audience was treated to a thought-provoking "Rendezuous with Oscar Wilde" where students explored the life and legacy of the iconic writer. Through insightful discussions and engaging presentations, they highlighted Wilde's timeless themes of love, friendship, and redemption. The English Day celebration at school not only showcased the creative talents of the students but also instilled in them the importance of empathy and kindness in today's world.