
Recent Events


January 13, 2024

"Children are the Priority. Change is the Reality Collaboration in the Strategy" The PTM is a great way to open a two-way communication between the parents and the teacher. Keeping this in mind Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised the Fouth Parent Teacher Meeting of the session 2023–24 for classes Nursery to VIII was held on January 13, 2024. During the PTM class teachers got the opportunity to interact with the parents and share the comprehensive feedback with the aim to bring out the best in the child. The parents were quite delighted to go through various activities done by the students showcased through a Power Point presentation. They were quite satisfied with the progress of their wards and appreciated the efforts collectively made by the school and the teachers towards the holistic development of their child. Overall, it was a positive and a fruitful interaction for both the teachers and the parents.